welcome to
david winter studios
david’s images are personal experiences, meditations or devotionals . . . Perhaps a better description is, they are journal entries. Journal entries of personal experiences and observances. The subject matter of these journal entries include: weather, time, color, movement, travel, balance, hope, nature, light, darkness, reflection, devotion, relationships, faith, friendship, conversations, dreams, reverence, deep beauty. . . Many of these journal entries are worked out in a musical sound-realm before they are translated visually. . . What your are seeing are key frames lifted out of these experiences, meditations, devotionals and it is david’s deepest wish that you will enjoy them.


People journal to insure their life experiences are not lost. Recording them allows them to be recalled and shared. David Winter is both a musician and an artist. Many of his ‘journal entries’ are worked out and recorded in the realm of sound before they are translated visually. As a keen artistic observer, David records memories of travel, time, nature, and weather. Using sound, color, design and movement, he makes record of relationships, conversations, devotions and dreams, remembrances and reflections of faith, hope, light, darkness, reverence and deep beauty. In his music and artwork, you are seeing key frames lifted from those memories. You are viewing and hearing meditations come to life . . . It is David’s deepest wish that you enjoy them.

If you want to see . . . Listen
Listening is a step towards vision